Better Health and Body Program
Everybody is talking about improving their health and body in effort to be happy, healthy and active, above all to be around for the people that matter in our lives. Healthy body can also improve our image and attitude to life and people around us.
Outlined below is my very own six-month Better Health and Body Program that I have started on 20 April 2009. For me the holiday was over and the adventure has begun - the time for total commitment to my new lease on life. Six months later when I completed my program. My body become lean, weight came down from 83 kg to 75 kg, muscles become stronger, my posture improved radically, my bereaving was back to normal and above all my foot injury has completely healed.
To cement my success I walked the Seven Bridges annual walk over the 27.7 km route in Sydney, NSW - Australia. I have completed my walk in 6 hours and 50 minutes tired, wet, cold and hungry, but above all delighted with the goal that I have just achieved. Next morning I got up at 6 am fresh as a daisy and went on the 4 km walk. I felt good about myself and I felt motivated to take on any other task. I knew that I can do anything if I make the plan and follow it day by day.
Below are few points to my Better Health and Body Program that are worth of mention if you decide to adopt it in your life:
Realization – Coming to terms with yourself and admitting that you need help and it’s time for some serious staff (drastic changes) to happen. - I had to do this too, and it was very hard to do.
Goal – What is it that you want right now? Choose something that will make a significant difference for the rest of your life. - I want to be healthy, happy, and fit, not for a day but for the rest of my life - say next 30, 40 even 50 years. I’m serious about it and am prepared to pay the price for it and work hard for it. – What about you? (For further comments see my Blog)
Examination – Do not be afraid of taking a full physical examination. In the past it was called an annual check-up and today it is a must. Early prevention is better then late cure or in worst case long term suffering.
Visit doctors and other related professionals for:
Complete blood and urine tests,
x-rays or scans,
heart and lung tests,
breasts examination for women,
prostate examination for men,
dental check,
eyes test,
and anything else that may be recommended.
Then discuss results with your physician, if required formulate practical plan of action and commit to it. If all’s well that’s great you have no ‘excuse’ get on with living your best. – It's better to know what you are facing so you can do something about it, instead finding out when it's too late to correct the status. I have done it!
Counsel and Mentoring – Ask for a professional assistance of the team of doctors, other professionals, trainers, mentors. Enlist them to stand in your corner. – I have done it!
Behaviour Re-Adjustment – If it applies, you will need to reconsider your exposure to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc. It is up to you, you must make a choice, and there are no excuses. It may be hard to follow through, but you are fighting for your life. I urge you to choose long healthy life over short term pleasure and future suffering. – In my case neither smoking nor drugs were of any issue as I’ve seen the suffering of those who died because of their exposure. Many years ago I got a job which conditioned me to stay off alcohol and have control over my actions.
Nutrition – Vitamins, minerals, and supplements are only of value when professionally supervised. – I have done it long time ago, in fact it all started after a major cancer surgery in 1993 went wrong and I had to be connected to number of machines that would feed me with TPN. Total Parental Nutrition is a cocktail of intravenous vitamins, minerals, lipids and fluids required to sustain my body in absence of real food and water. Over the period of few months my body was regenerated. Once out of the hospital I went on a quest of finding answers to my renewed body and the ways to properly feed it using vitamin, mineral, and herb supplements. In early 1994, Blackmores become my personal sponsor while I was preparing to sail around the world in the BT Global Challenge 1996-97! I have been continually on professionally monitored and maintained vitamin, mineral and herb program since then and I fully understand their nutritional values to my well being. It does not mean that I am totally free of medical issues, but what I take helps me to fight my medical challenges more effectively and thus lead a happy, healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Inner Healing - Mind and Spirit – Meditation, nature, spirituality and prayer. – It helps a lot.
Body Healing – Focus on physical healing of your body by taking care of your own problems. - In my case it’s my prolonged leg wound and subsequent mobility, general fitness, body strength and flexibility, and my voice.
Body Manipulation – Whether it’s intensive massage, chiropractic adjustments, or physiotherapy, do something. – It makes a great difference in my life.
Be Inspired – Motivation, reading life success stories. Build your inner strength. – I love stories of success in face of adversity as I draw inner strength from them.
Hobbies – Do something other then work, outside your norm, have a special goal and work to achieve it, to build your confidence. - In my case, it is building a rowing boat.
Preparation – Getting your life in order: get the passport and other documents, resume, bank accounts, insurance, sort out the car, organise the will, sort out your home, family, website (if you have one), business or work affairs, “Grab Case” containing things you can’t live without, etc.
Cleansing – Perform a massive clean-up of home environment, dumping your life’s “luggage” and all its related burdens, shredding any old files and throwing out garbage you used to hold onto. - “Travelling light through life” is one of my new mottos.
Personal Associations – Work colleagues, friends, family – you may have to make some changes here. Some may be easily possible; others may be more challenging, as it’s hard to change your family or the job you are trained for and enjoy. But remember that it is you who is the “number one”; it’s your health and well being that must take priority. Often people say that to be successful you need to be amongst successful people. Personal associations can shape our future. History shows that it is also possible to break free of distractive environment and flourish. - From personal experience I believe it is paramount to consider trends you are influenced by.
Environment Around You – You may have to move.
Does your house affect your health? A sick house syndrome may sound like a since fiction theory, but believe me it’s real and many health problems can be linked to it (like respiratory problems). Often the cluttered home makes occupants tired, unhappy and discouraged. – You may need to consult an expert to solve this challenge, although the first step will often be a big cleanup and clear up. It worked for me.
Does your work affect your health? You may be seating at your desk for eight hours a day and wondering why you are putting on weight? Or you are on your feat all day long and by the time you come home you just want to take your shoes off and seat on the couch, relax and watch TV. Neither of the two examples will lead to a healthy life, but it is up to you to consider the changes. I remember how in the past I have been spending hours sitting at the computer and my exercise consisted of the 10 m trips to the fridge or the toilet. I came up with an idea of the desk at which I had to stand up on my feet, I switched on the dance music in a background and fond myself much happier and relaxed while shedding a bit of access weight.
Does your town or suburb affect your health? It may sound crazy and far off, but you may have to pack your bag and move to change your circumstances and help your wellbeing.
Who are the people around you? Do they dictate your life or are you the master of your universe? There are no excuses in life, it’s only you who is responsible for your actions?
What’s killing you? Think about it. You may have to brake free off it, and move where you will have healthier life and better opportunities. – Someone once told me: I can’t buy the house in a classy suburb, but I may be able to rent one there. How true it is.
Physical Training – Concentrate on the extensive body training including: walking, cycling, rowing, weights, palates, yoga, or swimming. Do something, chose what you like and enjoy it. At first it may be hard but if you stick with it for 21 days you will develop a habit and it will become natural and easy. – I have chosen rowing (for its overall benefits) using rowing machine and when I finish building my rowing boat I plan to explore the local waterways.
Rest and Recreation – Eliminate stress by taking time out, feel the wind on your face, see the sunrise or a sunset, look at the sky, stars, clouds and the occasional rainbow may be a first step. If there is one, you can walk along the river or go to the beach. Above all don’t forget to go to the park. You can have lots of fun even when your budget is short. – I look at the stars and marvel.
Depression & Discouragement – Watch out for the “D” syndrome. (To find out more about depression, how recognize it and how to deal with it, please go to: Beyond Blue) Your success comprises of small victories achieved constantly on daily bases. When the “D” strikes quickly look back to your victories. – That system helps me to stay on track.
Equipment – Proper footwear is a must – spend time and money to choose wisely. Also examine the quality and comfort of: your bed and mattress - good sleep is a must; your chair at work and home as well as your car seat are also important to your wellbeing. They all can influence the way your body feels and reacts. – It has taken me a while to find comfortable and light shoes and in my case special high compression socks are a must accessory.
Work – Does your work affect your health? If so then decisions relating to your future with current employer and possible life beyond need a proper consideration. – I had to ask myself few primary questions: Will I be healthy if I continue in my current job? What are my alternatives? What I want to do?
Budget – Staying financially positive and living on cash must be your primary responsibility. Financial stress will drive you down if you don’t take care of it. Cut all expenses you can live without. Buy only what you need, when you needed. If you desire something, save for it and pay only using cash. – It’s hard discipline but I can testify to its strength.
Finances – Keep on generating positive cash – work out how and do it. Save for the future (create a savings buffer equalling to 3-6 months of your salary). Remember it all starts from as little as possible, dollar here and dollar there – that’s what the banks are doing. It may take a bit of time, but this will be your key victory. – Knowing that I am financially secure is a great foundation for the future successful life. Remember, it’s not about how much I can borrow, its about how much my own cash I can put on the table at this point of time!
Family – Look after the needs of loved ones who are around you. Give them a bit of your precious time. – I cherish those moments forever.
Be Informed and Up To Date – Reading and research. Never pay for the news, information or gossip – get it all free from the web, free to air TV and radio. – I thrive on information and knowledge.
No Distractions - No time to waste on anything that is not relevant to my current goals. – I am very strong about it now and I wasn’t in the past.
Future – It’s unlimited, an open horizon is in front of you, and you are now fit and ready to take on the challenges that are on your “To Do List”. – I’m prepared for it and let myself dream a little so when the time comes I’ll be ready for action. (For further comments in my Blog)
How about you? Are you going to join me in the quest for Better Health and Body? Tell me about your commitment and your goals.
Outlined below is my very own six-month Better Health and Body Program that I have started on 20 April 2009. For me the holiday was over and the adventure has begun - the time for total commitment to my new lease on life. Six months later when I completed my program. My body become lean, weight came down from 83 kg to 75 kg, muscles become stronger, my posture improved radically, my bereaving was back to normal and above all my foot injury has completely healed.
To cement my success I walked the Seven Bridges annual walk over the 27.7 km route in Sydney, NSW - Australia. I have completed my walk in 6 hours and 50 minutes tired, wet, cold and hungry, but above all delighted with the goal that I have just achieved. Next morning I got up at 6 am fresh as a daisy and went on the 4 km walk. I felt good about myself and I felt motivated to take on any other task. I knew that I can do anything if I make the plan and follow it day by day.
Below are few points to my Better Health and Body Program that are worth of mention if you decide to adopt it in your life:
Realization – Coming to terms with yourself and admitting that you need help and it’s time for some serious staff (drastic changes) to happen. - I had to do this too, and it was very hard to do.
Goal – What is it that you want right now? Choose something that will make a significant difference for the rest of your life. - I want to be healthy, happy, and fit, not for a day but for the rest of my life - say next 30, 40 even 50 years. I’m serious about it and am prepared to pay the price for it and work hard for it. – What about you? (For further comments see my Blog)
Examination – Do not be afraid of taking a full physical examination. In the past it was called an annual check-up and today it is a must. Early prevention is better then late cure or in worst case long term suffering.
Visit doctors and other related professionals for:
Complete blood and urine tests,
x-rays or scans,
heart and lung tests,
breasts examination for women,
prostate examination for men,
dental check,
eyes test,
and anything else that may be recommended.
Then discuss results with your physician, if required formulate practical plan of action and commit to it. If all’s well that’s great you have no ‘excuse’ get on with living your best. – It's better to know what you are facing so you can do something about it, instead finding out when it's too late to correct the status. I have done it!
Counsel and Mentoring – Ask for a professional assistance of the team of doctors, other professionals, trainers, mentors. Enlist them to stand in your corner. – I have done it!
Behaviour Re-Adjustment – If it applies, you will need to reconsider your exposure to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc. It is up to you, you must make a choice, and there are no excuses. It may be hard to follow through, but you are fighting for your life. I urge you to choose long healthy life over short term pleasure and future suffering. – In my case neither smoking nor drugs were of any issue as I’ve seen the suffering of those who died because of their exposure. Many years ago I got a job which conditioned me to stay off alcohol and have control over my actions.
Nutrition – Vitamins, minerals, and supplements are only of value when professionally supervised. – I have done it long time ago, in fact it all started after a major cancer surgery in 1993 went wrong and I had to be connected to number of machines that would feed me with TPN. Total Parental Nutrition is a cocktail of intravenous vitamins, minerals, lipids and fluids required to sustain my body in absence of real food and water. Over the period of few months my body was regenerated. Once out of the hospital I went on a quest of finding answers to my renewed body and the ways to properly feed it using vitamin, mineral, and herb supplements. In early 1994, Blackmores become my personal sponsor while I was preparing to sail around the world in the BT Global Challenge 1996-97! I have been continually on professionally monitored and maintained vitamin, mineral and herb program since then and I fully understand their nutritional values to my well being. It does not mean that I am totally free of medical issues, but what I take helps me to fight my medical challenges more effectively and thus lead a happy, healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Inner Healing - Mind and Spirit – Meditation, nature, spirituality and prayer. – It helps a lot.
Body Healing – Focus on physical healing of your body by taking care of your own problems. - In my case it’s my prolonged leg wound and subsequent mobility, general fitness, body strength and flexibility, and my voice.
Body Manipulation – Whether it’s intensive massage, chiropractic adjustments, or physiotherapy, do something. – It makes a great difference in my life.
Be Inspired – Motivation, reading life success stories. Build your inner strength. – I love stories of success in face of adversity as I draw inner strength from them.
Hobbies – Do something other then work, outside your norm, have a special goal and work to achieve it, to build your confidence. - In my case, it is building a rowing boat.
Preparation – Getting your life in order: get the passport and other documents, resume, bank accounts, insurance, sort out the car, organise the will, sort out your home, family, website (if you have one), business or work affairs, “Grab Case” containing things you can’t live without, etc.
Cleansing – Perform a massive clean-up of home environment, dumping your life’s “luggage” and all its related burdens, shredding any old files and throwing out garbage you used to hold onto. - “Travelling light through life” is one of my new mottos.
Personal Associations – Work colleagues, friends, family – you may have to make some changes here. Some may be easily possible; others may be more challenging, as it’s hard to change your family or the job you are trained for and enjoy. But remember that it is you who is the “number one”; it’s your health and well being that must take priority. Often people say that to be successful you need to be amongst successful people. Personal associations can shape our future. History shows that it is also possible to break free of distractive environment and flourish. - From personal experience I believe it is paramount to consider trends you are influenced by.
Environment Around You – You may have to move.
Does your house affect your health? A sick house syndrome may sound like a since fiction theory, but believe me it’s real and many health problems can be linked to it (like respiratory problems). Often the cluttered home makes occupants tired, unhappy and discouraged. – You may need to consult an expert to solve this challenge, although the first step will often be a big cleanup and clear up. It worked for me.
Does your work affect your health? You may be seating at your desk for eight hours a day and wondering why you are putting on weight? Or you are on your feat all day long and by the time you come home you just want to take your shoes off and seat on the couch, relax and watch TV. Neither of the two examples will lead to a healthy life, but it is up to you to consider the changes. I remember how in the past I have been spending hours sitting at the computer and my exercise consisted of the 10 m trips to the fridge or the toilet. I came up with an idea of the desk at which I had to stand up on my feet, I switched on the dance music in a background and fond myself much happier and relaxed while shedding a bit of access weight.
Does your town or suburb affect your health? It may sound crazy and far off, but you may have to pack your bag and move to change your circumstances and help your wellbeing.
Who are the people around you? Do they dictate your life or are you the master of your universe? There are no excuses in life, it’s only you who is responsible for your actions?
What’s killing you? Think about it. You may have to brake free off it, and move where you will have healthier life and better opportunities. – Someone once told me: I can’t buy the house in a classy suburb, but I may be able to rent one there. How true it is.
Physical Training – Concentrate on the extensive body training including: walking, cycling, rowing, weights, palates, yoga, or swimming. Do something, chose what you like and enjoy it. At first it may be hard but if you stick with it for 21 days you will develop a habit and it will become natural and easy. – I have chosen rowing (for its overall benefits) using rowing machine and when I finish building my rowing boat I plan to explore the local waterways.
Rest and Recreation – Eliminate stress by taking time out, feel the wind on your face, see the sunrise or a sunset, look at the sky, stars, clouds and the occasional rainbow may be a first step. If there is one, you can walk along the river or go to the beach. Above all don’t forget to go to the park. You can have lots of fun even when your budget is short. – I look at the stars and marvel.
Depression & Discouragement – Watch out for the “D” syndrome. (To find out more about depression, how recognize it and how to deal with it, please go to: Beyond Blue) Your success comprises of small victories achieved constantly on daily bases. When the “D” strikes quickly look back to your victories. – That system helps me to stay on track.
Equipment – Proper footwear is a must – spend time and money to choose wisely. Also examine the quality and comfort of: your bed and mattress - good sleep is a must; your chair at work and home as well as your car seat are also important to your wellbeing. They all can influence the way your body feels and reacts. – It has taken me a while to find comfortable and light shoes and in my case special high compression socks are a must accessory.
Work – Does your work affect your health? If so then decisions relating to your future with current employer and possible life beyond need a proper consideration. – I had to ask myself few primary questions: Will I be healthy if I continue in my current job? What are my alternatives? What I want to do?
Budget – Staying financially positive and living on cash must be your primary responsibility. Financial stress will drive you down if you don’t take care of it. Cut all expenses you can live without. Buy only what you need, when you needed. If you desire something, save for it and pay only using cash. – It’s hard discipline but I can testify to its strength.
Finances – Keep on generating positive cash – work out how and do it. Save for the future (create a savings buffer equalling to 3-6 months of your salary). Remember it all starts from as little as possible, dollar here and dollar there – that’s what the banks are doing. It may take a bit of time, but this will be your key victory. – Knowing that I am financially secure is a great foundation for the future successful life. Remember, it’s not about how much I can borrow, its about how much my own cash I can put on the table at this point of time!
Family – Look after the needs of loved ones who are around you. Give them a bit of your precious time. – I cherish those moments forever.
Be Informed and Up To Date – Reading and research. Never pay for the news, information or gossip – get it all free from the web, free to air TV and radio. – I thrive on information and knowledge.
No Distractions - No time to waste on anything that is not relevant to my current goals. – I am very strong about it now and I wasn’t in the past.
Future – It’s unlimited, an open horizon is in front of you, and you are now fit and ready to take on the challenges that are on your “To Do List”. – I’m prepared for it and let myself dream a little so when the time comes I’ll be ready for action. (For further comments in my Blog)
How about you? Are you going to join me in the quest for Better Health and Body? Tell me about your commitment and your goals.